
Roller Coasters

One of my favorite things in life is a good roller coaster. The Titan at Six Flags in Arlington is my favorite. I love pretty much everything about roller coasters. The part where you double check your lapband thing to make sure you are not going to die, or at least not from falling out of the cart. I love the part where I black out because of the G-forces. I love the part where I feel like I left my stomach at the top of the hill. I really love the rush and the adrenaline. No matter how many times I do it, I always get that rush. And at some point during the ride, I really question whether it was a good idea. "Am I sure there have been no fatalities on the Titan?" "I think my contacts may fall out because my eyes are watering too much" "This makes everything else in life boring" and that type of thing.

I also love any kind of falling rush. For instance there is this thing where they strap you in. And then you walk up about 100 ft in the air. Then they put you in this cage thing. Then they turn it over to where you are just hanging 100 ft over this giant net. The they let you go. For most of that drop, I was waiting to turn into ketchup. But somehow I survived. I love those things because they really remind me of how alive I am, and they remind me that I can't live my whole life in that state, or I would have a nervous breakdown.

I think no matter how many times you do roller coasters or free falls, at some point during the ride there is always a little bit of doubt. I feel the same way when it comes to where we will get our money. There have been a lot of times in my life when I have been a lot more broke than I am right now. There have been times when my family didn't have employment for weeks. We didn't have money for Christmas presents or to put gas in the car. But I am alive today. No worse for the wear.

So sometimes I worry about getting jobs in Denver, and sometimes I worry that we may end up destitute and starving. But then I have to look back at all the times God has provided for me. He has provided 100% of the time and failed 0%. I realize that sounds cliche, and people could say, "yeah well, thats true of most things..." and it is true of most things. God has a way of providing for the birds of the air and the grass of the fields, and I know he cares much more for me. I may not get to drink Dr. Pepper every day, or I may not get to play my XBox as much as I like, but I have to believe that he has carried me this far and won't just abandon me now.

Even as I write this, I am reminded of ways that God has been providing for this move. A couple friends gave us some money to help us out, we didn't ask, and they aren't rich, but I see that and I see God using his body to help others. A couple others bought something from us and paid more than we asked. Again, I see the hand of providence. Our credit card was mysteriously paid, and no money came from our checking account, I can see God doing something like that. (It may just be a mistake, in which case I would not be upset, but it would be pretty awesome if it sticks...) I am a bit nervous, I am really only qualified to be a pastor, but David was really only qualified to be a shepherd, and he was a decent king. Surely I can be a decent bank teller or something... Not that I am anything like David, except that I am also a man.... so...