

robert webber says that community is the new apologetic. he claims that no longer do we need to have some sort of argument that "proves" that christianity is right, but now people will believe if they are a part of the community of faith, if they belong before they become.

so what does this mean to us today? i would say that this has probably always held true. i have heard it is easier to change what a person believes than what a person values. when did those cease to be intrinsically related? i think the problem is that for a long time we tried to change beliefs first, then believed that values would follow. they of course, should follow, but they didnt. if people made a confession of faith, they would then go on to not change a single thing about their lifestyle.

however, if someone got so involved in a community, if someone is loved, cherished, treasured because they are a part of god's creation, if they knew they were missed when they missed, that they missed the small talk, the large talk, the heavy talk, the breaking of bread and the community learning, if they began to value that community, would they not begin to believe that jesus is true? of course, belief and value should be intimately related, but in our strange world they are often not.

so when robert webber says that community is the new apologetic. what he is saying is we should help people connect. help people realize that there is a chance to participate in something much larger than themselves. we should cease to be so dogmatic about the way we think the bible should be interpreted, and help people to come to those truths as they are participating in the body of christ. after all, our savior had a bunch of fumbling, useless disciples that clearly misunderstood the messianic purpose, but they changed their perspective because they belonged to eachother. but what do i know, i dont belong to a dogmatic group. so my values may be a bit different...

1 comment:

Robin said...

Excellent post! Love where you talked about if people are cherished, tresaured and missed they will find Jesus. You're a great writer. Might a book be in your future.