
Silence and Darkness

I read a few days ago about a torture called "sensory deprivation" torture. Basically, they lock people into a room, oftentimes in a silo of some sort, where the subject cannot see or hear anything for days. I am under the impression that they have food, water and facilities, and that other than the lack of new sensory information, they are completely fine. But the results are insane. Almost all subjects will immediately go to sleep, but then they wake up some time later and have no idea what time it is or how long they have been there. Many subjects then begin to pace, some think in an effort to exercise, but most think it is simply an effort to do something.
Soon, the subjects begin to hallucinate, seeing or hearing things that are simply not there. One man proclaimed that he had a conversation with his mom and sister. Another thought he had a tea party with some people. The mind will do funny things when left alone.

Sometimes I think God is doing some large experiment on me. Sometimes I go through life and feel like I hear his voice and see his lead very clearly. Other times, I wonder if he is even there at all. The skies are silent and I wonder if God even cares. But I have to believe that this effects him more than me. I think most of the time he would like nothing more than to show himself, to speak clearly and audibly to me, but wouldn't that take away the value or need for faith? Wouldn't that cause anyone and everyone to be so overwhelmed that they immediately worship him fully and completely. The hope we have is that some day, hopefully some day soon, we will see him close up, and hear the breath from his mouth, and know that we are home.


The BK lounge!

This week I am stuck in a tortuous 7 hour a day class. In fact, yes, I am writing this while the professor is lecturing. So take that. Anyway, we have an hour break everyday, and I needed to call my sister, so I went to Burger King really quick. As I was there, the lady at the counter just looked at me. Did not smile, did not greet me, did nothing to try to make my visit enjoyable. I placed my order and grabbed my DP and took my seat.
As I did so, I noticed there was a young child in a carseat on top of a table. I thought it strange, but walked past to my seat. Then I noticed the woman who took my order came out from behind the counter and tended to the child for a few minutes before going back to work. I was annoyed when she took my order, and somewhat broken when I picked it up ten minutes later. This poor woman, was working at a very much less than desirable job, and she had to take her child with her. Whether it was because of a father that had left her, a father that could not take the baby to work, family that was unable to help, what this told me was that this poor woman was all alone with this child. It makes me very sad that conditions like this exist in our world. But I know that we as a church can help, we can eventually make a difference and try to bring God's kingdom. To help ensure that this woman would know her child was well taken care of, and not have to take it to Burger King with her.


Happy New Year!

I love New Years. I only have one chance in 365 to post on that day, so even though I have nothing to say, I am here. I hope 2008 is better than 2007 and I believe already it will be, since I will get done with this demon I call seminary. I am praying for some change, mostly in me, in this year, and I am hopeful that some things necessary to our future community will happen.

I love New Years because you choose who you hang out with and who you see that day, other holidays are chosen for you mostly. I love my life, and I am looking forward to growing closer to my lord...