
Politics: Marriage

I realize that some of my past topics have been a bit controversial, and I have full confidence that this one will be even more so. I expect that those on both sides of this one will be unhappy with what I say here, so might as well dive right in.

Currently, same-sex marriages are not legal in the overwhelming majority of states. The question, I think, for Christians is, how should we vote on this particular issue? I am going to put off answering that until the end, for fear that people would cease listening to everything else I say (which happens in any forum at any time anyway, but maybe we can prevent some of it here).

I think, to start off, we should talk about what constitutes an acceptable sexual relationship. Biblically, I don't see any bones about the only time sex is acceptable is in a marriage relationship. This is consistent and I think pretty clear throughout the bible. God has said that sex is good and he wants us to enjoy it, in a loving, committed relationship. I think it is also clear that God has designed sex to occur between a man and woman. God sees that as the only acceptable marriage. I think as Christians, that becomes pretty clear.

I do believe that some are born homosexual. I think the only option for those people, if they want to follow God's will, is to live in celibacy. It is difficult, and I don't say that glibly. But after my own research and reading on the topic, that is the only conclusion I can come to. (I am not saying that everyone who is homosexual was born that way, I am just saying that some are)

So, for Christians I think it is clear, marriage should be between a man and a woman. If someone is homosexual, they should live in celibacy. Just as, someone who is not married should live in celibacy. That is what should happen in Christian communities. However, the United States is not a Christian community. I think as Christians, we should vote for equal marriage rights under the law for same-sex couples. I think there are quite a few arguments that support this.

I find it strange that some would say we should not legislate morality, then turn around and say that gay partners should not be able to share health care, or have visiting rights in the hospital. Seems to me like legislating morality. In addition, just because the law says it is ok, does not mean that we are saying God wants it to happen. Back to the topic of abortion, I think legally we should allow it, but ethically and morally we should condemn it. We should not practice it as Christians, but should allow it as a nation. Back to gay-marriage. I think ethically there is nothing wrong with giving equal legal rights to a same-sex couple as my wife and I enjoy. I think they should be allowed health care, I think they should be able to make decisions for each other, I think they should get inheritance.

I am not 100% on the arguments against it, none have made much sense to me so far, I'm sure someone reading can tell me why it shouldn't be allowed. I know one common argument is that it cheapens marriage. With a divorce rate above 50% in the church, we have no ground to argue about anything cheapening marriage. If our divorce rate was 10% or so, maybe, but I still don't think so. As Christians, the sanctity of marriage comes from God. If someone does not believe in God, then they will have different rules. (This may not make sense, if so let me know and I'll try to clarify)

Another argument is that some people would take advantage of this rule by saying they were married so that they could get benefits from it. But no one would ever do that with a man and a woman would they?!! I think this argument is absurd. Its not our job to try to make sure no one can live a fradulent life style. We just can't do that.

I see this issue as pretty clear cut. I think the gay community should have the same legal marriage rights as the straight community. I don't think God sees homosexuality as a good life-style, but that is an issue to be handled in the church, not on capitol hill. I'm not sure how great of a case I made, but I'm not sure how great of one needs to be made. Just because something is legal in our country does not mean that God wants it in his church. We should be loving and welcoming to the homosexual community. We should affirm them as people, just as we should affirm those who struggle with lust or greed or gluttony. But we should help them to see that God's plan for them is sex only in a marriage between a man and a woman. Bumper stickers and protest signs do not count.


Grant said...

Sure is quiet around here...

Chris said...

I'm gonna post tomorrow. Trying to think about what I want to talk about now, since I think politics have exhausted the controversial topics. I somehow made it to where I moderate all comments now, but I didn't mean to make it that way, just older comments.