

I'm back.

It has been a pretty eventful couple of months for me, guess more like four months... but here goes.

Sometime in April Robin and I made the difficult decision that if we were going to follow this dream of pastoring a church plant, we needed to jump all the way in. We prayed and thought and crunched some numbers, and realized that maybe God was just calling us to leap. So we did.

So here I am. Two and a half weeks into pastoring with all my time. So far, I love every bit of it. The only problem with doing all your work for God, is the payscale. The church has been very gracious and generous to us, stepping out in faith to pay something, but let's be honest, we'll never have to worry that I'm making too much...

My weight loss goals have held pretty well. I am hanging right between 200 and 205, and while I would like to drop all the way to or below 190, this is a pretty good spot so far. I think if I went hardcore for a month or so, I could pretty easily drop that last little bit. I feel so much better than I did at 225 and fit my clothes much better.

I like to think I'm being a better husband as time goes on, Robin recently told me she is the happiest in our marriage she has ever been. And while I would like to think that is all due to me, quite a bit is due to her. And probably more credit is due to God. He has given us peace and taken away stress in what very well could have been a very difficult transition. He has held us up, and I look forward on talking in the future about how he has been providing.

Hope to keep this up weekly, next week will start on more theological type topics.

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