
The Fall

When I read the Bible, it is hard for me to imagine how people can think that the God who inspired this book, the God who created this world and these typing hands, could possibly have wanted everything to turn out exactly as it is. I read in Genesis 3 of people breaking God's heart, but God still making clothing for them. The first sacrifice may have happened only hours after the first sin. God himself was the first to make the sacrifice. One of his beloved deer or lambs had to give its life just to cover up the shame of the humans.

Then I see the God who is so hurt by the Israelites, the God who delivered them, then days later they are worshiping a golden calf. God was so hurt in that time that he wanted to wipe them all out, but Moses prevailed upon him. Maybe God just needed someone with a cooler head to prevail upon him, or maybe God wanted Moses to argue, but God changed his mind, at least, thats what the Bible says.

Then in Hosea God describes himself like the faithful husband of a prostitute. And indeed he is. I can't help but see myself in Gomer, in Israel, in the disciples. When God most wants closeness to me, I am nowhere to be found. I pray that I am getting better, but I just don't know.

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