
Oh, sweet Dr. Pepper.

My Dr. Pepper fast has lasted 9 weeks. This is the longest I have gone without a cola. We have three fourths of a 2 liter of Pepsi in our fridge right now from Super Bowl Sunday, and I hear it calling my name. I want to keep it in there, so that I can master the temptation. By my count, I have about 25 weeks until I can drink another, and I plan on my first sip being that Pepsi.

My other goal is by that time to have read every book I own which I have never read. It seems kind of wasteful to me to have all these books sitting on my shelves which I have never read. I just finished one called "The Crucified God" by Jurgen Moltmann. I was very good, but also a hard read. I want to reread it again later. I still want to write my book, so hopefully I can do that sometime before fall too. Whether anyone would publish it, that is another question. But I do want to do that at some point in my life. I would also like to run a marathon, or punch myself in the face. I have heard that running a marathon is one of the hardest things you can do, but also one of the most rewarding. I am really just rambling, but it feels good to blog again, so hopefully I can continue doing this more regularly, as I say everytime.

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