
Getting into shape

I think my lovely wife and I are going to take a cruise/vacation in February for our four year anniversary. Because of that, I have more motivation to get into great shape. I have been jogging consistently, but it is difficult to push myself regularly. I think this upcoming vacation will provide some additional motivation for me. I think at some point everyone struggles a bit with motivation. I think there are several keys, but I don't necessarily always use them.
1. Focus on only one day at a time. It gets pretty daunting to think about how long you need to work out to get into really great shape. But if you are just focusing on the present day, it gets quite a bit easier.
2. Focus only on the next exercise at a time/set small goals. Just push through one block at a time (if you are jogging) and don't think about all the blocks it takes to get to the end.
3. Measure results. Whether it is in waist size or weight, it is important to keep track of progress. This will continue motivation when you may be running low on it.
4. Trick yourself into enjoying getting into shape. Consciously think to yourself that exercise is fun while you are doing it. This will kind of trick you into thinking that you actually are having fun.
5. Don't beat yourself up over one missed day. You can occasionally miss, but you don't want to miss a bunch in a row.

I realize these aren't profound and if I knew so much about getting and staying in shape, I wouldn't be on the uphill battle I'm on. But I have told myself I would keep writing, so here it is. I will force myself to do this every couple days, whatever the topic.

1 comment:

Robin said...

So glad you are writing more consistently! I love reading what you write. Looking forward to having a little fun in Disney World and on the open seas.