
Need to write...

There are a lot of things in life I need to do. I need to exercise so that my gut does not get bigger, I need to drink Dr. Pepper to counteract said exercise, I need to work to pay bills and I need to spend time with my wife, friends and dogs. One of my ambitions is to write something someday. There are several genres I would love to write: science fiction, theology, memoir, maybe all three combined... but either way, if I ever want to get off my lazy butt and write... scratch that. If I ever want to sit on my active butt and write a book, I need to write religiously and regularly. Stephen King says writers need to write. Write anything at anytime, whether you feel like it or not. So that is what I need to do. I need to write. I need to apply myself to this craft so that I will hopefully produce something worth publishing. So here I am.

Since I wrote last... we have a new dog (Ivan the husky), new roommates (Grant and Des), a new church (Refuge Community Church), and my favorite season has begun (fall and football. They are pretty much synonymous). My team dropped their first game unexpectedly, but they seem to be regrouping for a run... hopefully they show poise and perseverance. My job gets monotonous, but I think there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. My wife is wonderful and supportive, I hope she feels as appreciated as I do. Overall, I haven't much to say, but I need to write. Hopefully this can start a new trend and habit.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Hey Chris. I'm kind of in the same place. I am reading "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott right now. I am really finding it helpful and would highly recommend it. Quick read, and funny too. You know, just in case you don't have enough books to read.