

Some things weren't meant to last. Like, everything. Jesus was homeless, the Israelites were probably at their best while roaming the desert, Paul couldn't stay anywhere but prison more than a few months. It just seems like as humans we can't ever get content anywhere. No matter what happens, if someday we have an epiphany that our lives are exactly as we wanted, BOOM! They change.

If we decide we like the kind of shape our bodies are in, then we slack off a bit, eat a few too many burritos, drink a few too many DPs, take a few too many days off, BAM! I can't fit into my favorite jeans anymore.

If we decide we like the direction our relationships are going, we determine to continue in exactly the same vein. We continue to do the things that brought such success to begin with, tell similar jokes, bring similar gifts, ZAP! We are suddenly boring to our mates or friends.

So, what does it all mean? Why can't we just settle in and enjoy things the way they are, and keep them the way they are? Because I don't think we were made for all this. Jesus was homeless because he had a much better place elsewhere. Paul couldn't settle in because he wanted to bring everyone with him. The Israelites sucked when they settled down because they started to think the temple and the king and the money and crops were the point. But they were all just a means to an end. They were called to be what Paul was. Light. And the only way to be light it to have a different set of values.

"Why are all those weirdos giving up all their stuff?" "Oh, don't mind them, they're just Christians." "Ha, yeah, I heard they don't care if they are rich or broke. What a bunch of idiots."

We are called to be nomads because we shouldn't settle down here in this world. If we get too settled, we start to think this might be home. But the reality is, the only thing we will be able to take with us are our relationships (at least in my opinion, many theologians would disagree). I won't be able to take my sweet flatscreen, my nice laptop, my XBox gamerscores, my massive collection of DVDs and books. All I can take is Robin and Refuge (the people that are part of our church, Refuge Community Church). It won't matter if I ever paid off my Mazda, or if I had enough sweaters that I finally thought I was cool. It will matter if I was good to my wife. It will matter if I listen to my friends. Those things will matter. And those things can go where ever I want to go.

Pack light for the journey. (only thing I heard in Worship class)

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