

Maybe not the exact feeling, but I have just had a general feeling of... blah today. Malaise isn't exactly right because I don't feel ill or anything, I just don't feel like doing anything.

I had several tasks I needed to do today, sermons to write, things to work on, people to email, etc. But I just couldn't muster the motivation to do any of them. I ended up just reading updates on comic books that I never kept up with when I read comic books.

But I guess all that is ok. Was that why God took a day off after the first six? He had just done some pretty fantastic work, and he just kind of felt... blah? Probably not, but I like to think about it anyway. We have all gotten to the point that we have elevated God above personhood. Despite the fact that one of the defining characteristics of the Christian God is that he is a personal being, we often times want to make God seem so much above personal characteristics that he is completely unapproachable and nearly unknowable. All that is a different story for a different day though. I have too much malaise for that today.

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