
Spring forward

It seems like things are really revving up now. The weather outside is beautiful, I can wear polos every day to work, and I think the snow is done. I love the new beginnings of spring, and I love that every passing day means football season is one day closer. Rufus has been particularly frisky lately, but I'm hoping that I can take him on bi-daily walks soon. That would be good for both of us...

In times past I have lamented that there is really nothing permanent in life. Relationships change, bodies grow or shrink, people get sick or well, my eyes get worse all the time... but as I'm thinking about the seasons of the world, i am realizing that God loves a great story. And if there were only permanence in our world, there would be no real stories.

Stories are great because they (hopefully) show us characters as they go through struggles and successes. They show us people like us that wish things were better, people that sometimes screw up, and people that persevere. I think God has infinite patience, but also a touch of ADD. In order to keep the story moving, God institutes a natural ebb and flow of life. He puts borders on our days, weeks and years. He gives us morning, spring and dusk.

I think, someday in a galaxy far away, God will maybe cease certain changes. He will get rid of death and illness. But I think he may keep good changes. He will encourage our spirits to grow, for us to play, he will continue seasons and times. And I think we will all appreciate the changes and patterns. Maybe we can learn to do that a little here and now...

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