

I think probably one of the most destructive attitudes in the United States today is that of entitlement. You cannot walk down the street without running into someone that thinks they deserve better than what they have. We cannot abide to live in less than luxury, so we spend more money than we have on cars, clothes and furnishings. We live in a way that cannot possibly be supported, and we think that all of this is everyone's fault but our own.
I have to wonder what that attitude says to God. What does that attitude say to those who live on less than a dollar a day? What does that attitude say to our parents and grandparents who sacrificed so much so that we could live such trite lives? We live completely stressed out because we buy things that we can't pay for, then we get used to that lifestyle and have to buy more crap we can't afford and we are caught in an ever deepening trench of debt and greed. It has to end somewhere. If we don't get our crap together, if we don't realize that we are not entitled to live like those shallow imitations of humanity we see on tv, we are destined to get exactly what we want. We will sacrifice friendship, family, good health, integrity; all at the altar of getting what they have. We will give away our humanity simply to have whatever we want now, and it just is not worth it. I hope people will wake up soon, realize they don't need everything at the store, they don't need a new BMW, people have survived, even thrived on much less. Maybe we will all be a lot better if our country goes broke, at least then we will be able to focus on what really matters.

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