
what are we against, what are we for?

I get so furious with Christians. I was just now on facebook, that wonderful waste of time, and there is a group called "boycott the Golden Compass." I was thinking about our church in america. When I tell people I am a Christian, immediately I am asked if I hate gay people, or they make a joke about Harry Potter or they tell me about someone they know that couldn't go to church anymore because they were not liked at church. I see lines of people that show up in droves to protest abortions, or to protest gay marriage. I hear reports on the news of Christians that will not let their children go to such and such, or to listen to such and such, and I just wonder all the time, why do they only know us by what we are against?
Shouldn't it be that people would know us by what we are for? Didn't Jesus say that they would know us by our love, shouldn't people think when they hear that you are a Christian think, those people are really about helping people, those people are for love, those people do a lot of good? That is in no way to say we are a people of mere moralism, but as of now, we are only a negative people, only seeking to let everyone know what they shouldn't do. Isn't there a better way? I think so. I think sometimes we need to learn to pick our battles, that is just common sense, something else severely lacking in our nation.
What can we do? We have a lot of work to do, we must get going and start showing the world what we are for, and that is human rights, the love of our neighbor, and taking care of God's world.

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