
My life is better....

with her than without.

Before her I didn't know what I would do every night, now I still don't know, but I do know it will be fun.

Before I was a hard headed jerk, now I am still that, but at least have someone that tells me (other than Grant).

Before I was dogless, but now I have Rufus.

Before I wondered if I would die lonely, now I know that even if I am alone when I die, I love and am loved.

Before I struggled with how someone would accept me, now I still struggle with how, but I know definitively that I am accepted.

Before my home always stunk, now it smells pretty good most of the time.

Before I ate Ramen at least three times a week, now it is once a week at most.

Before my family was full of crazy people, now it is full of crazy people and one that is not so crazy.

Before I thought only idiots liked romantic comedies, now I know at least one intelligent person who does also.

Before I wondered if I could find the perfect girl, I found out she doesn't exist, but what I got is so much better. She is wonderful in her imperfections, in the way she is picky about rent houses and my jeans. I am always thankful that she took me back. Perfect people would not be able to grow together and would not need one another.

1 comment:

Kim Stroh said...

Chris, you little romantic. i am glad you love Robin. She is great.