

So I live my life checklist-to-checklist. I get into work in the morning and write one out, then my goal is to have it completed by the end of the day. On Saturdays I create a mental checklist of things I need to do that day, then repeat on Sundays. Those are usually pretty easy and just include things like 'read' or 'watch football' but they help me keep my goals in mind... I create a checklist before I go to the store, then just remember it by counting the items and slowly counting them off of my mental list.

So, like I said, I live my life one checklist at a time. This blog post is helping me fulfill one of my resolutions. The broccoli I choked down before starting this is helping me with another.

So my typical checklist looks something like this:
1. Clear email
2. Make callbacks
3. Check upcoming interns
4. Write intern letter
5. Update tracking, etc.
And on all the way up to 15 or so...

The only problem is that invariably I don't really follow my checklist. My actual practice checklist is:
1. Check email, only respond to those who need immediate response
2. Go to reddit.com
3. Shout something at Micah
4. Stroll around the building
5. Check reddit again
6. Check OU message board
7. Tell myself to quit slacking
8. And here we are...

No life lesson, just confession of my own sloth today.

1 comment:

Robin said...

i like your checklists! they look a lot like mine at work. :)