
Obligatory Dark Knight post

My favorite movie was "Fight Club." It was, until July 18 that is. I think, that after that my new favorite movie became "The Dark Knight." I am still mulling it over, but it was definitely the best movie I have seen this year.

The best thing about it, is that it avoids the cliche hero stuff. It doesn't just act like it is easy to be good. It faces the difficult question of how far a hero can go to stop the villain. Can a hero really be willing to kill those who threaten others? Can a hero do things that might be villainous in the hands of others? I am not sure.

I have been debating this internally for awhile. Usually I think that I want elected officials to do things that I myself would not be willing to do. If it is necessary that someone get tortured in order to find out about a terrorist attack, am I ok with that?

What about pedophiles? Am I ok with officials invading the privacy of some in order to find those that prey on children? How far should we go when we punish them? Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few?

Do I want to elect someone who is willing to act in very unethical ways in order to protect my way of life? I just don't know. I know my answer should be that I don't want someone that does not share my morals and ethics in a political position of power over me, but I also know that if our country were to behave as a country according to Jesus commands, then we would be taken over. We would not enjoy some of the freedoms we do. Tough call.

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