
Stuff that owns you...

One of my professors used to say "pack light for the journey." That in and of itself does not seem all that profound to me, but for some reason it has really stuck with Robin and I. So since we are in the middle of the journey, we thought we should lighten our load a bit. It also reminds me of Fight Club when Brad Pitt says to Edward Norton "You think you own your stuff, but your stuff ends up owning you." (my paraphrase)

Our goal is now to sell everything that won't fit in our two cars. Of course, we have to buy more furniture, but I think it has been a good exercise so far in us saying that we won't love anything so much that we won't give it up. My personal weakness is books. But here I am, selling or giving away more than half of the wonderful books I have accumulated. I love books of every type, but I am now only keeping those books that I love the most. I think all of us would be better off to have less stuff, and hopefully we won't be too quick to clutter up our lives again.

We have less than two months left here, which is weird because I feel like we just got here. I am pretty comfortable in Waco now, but we have to start looking for places to live and jobs in Denver now. While that is incredibly exciting to me, I am also realistic enough to know there is a chance all this could collapse and fail. But, one of my mentors and favorite professors used to tell me that we can only be obedient, we can't succeed or fail. So we will do our best, and trust God with the results.

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