

Since we are right now in the midst of a heated presidential election, I think I need to explain some of my political leanings. I have read quite a bit that Christians have written and said on the matter, and I try to keep quite for the most part. But I feel like I need to make some of my thoughts clear, even if just for my own benefit. So, if you read this, feel free to make yourself at home as for the next few weeks I let you into my thoughts about politics.

I grew up in Oklahoma, and for Christians especially in Oklahoma, there is one primary issue that divides Republicans (Christians) from Democrats (pagans). That issue is abortion. So today, that is what I am going to blog about. I am going to try to think through what I think about it, and explain my reasoning for being OK with a "pro-choice" president.

1. This is a very clinical reason, but I feel like it is a necessary one. I watched a movie the other day called "The Cider House Rules." It was a great story, and part of the story was that this doctor performed illegal abortions. He did this because many times girls would get so desperate, that they would try to kill the baby themselves. There was one story where a poor girl died because she had wounded herself trying to kill the baby growing inside her. Another story in the movie focuses on the abortion of a baby conceived in incest. Both were incredibly sad stories, but thought the second could have been much more sad if the poor girl died because of her rape at the hands of her father. Does that mean that I think abortion was good in either situation? No. But I think maybe it would have been the lesser evil. The reason is that some women are going to try to have abortions no matter what, it is much better if it can be done safely.

2. I heard one person say that the only very clear thing about this election is that the Bible says not to kill, and one candidate is for killing unborn children, and the other is not. So his choice is clear. However, I think in that case we may have a messed up view of death. What do we believe happens to these children after they are aborted? Do we believe in the grace of our heavenly father to take them to a world without suffering and pain? Is death the ultimate enemy we have to fear? I submit that it is not. Imagine the life of a child of a crack addict. That child did not choose to grow up having to steal to eat. Or having to be careful to avoid his mother's pimp. Would some children be better off if they were taken directly to God? I think so. Sadly, I think so. Of course, that doesn't mean that their death is good. Or that anyone is free of guilt for their death. But as Christians we do not fear death as others. We know who holds the keys to death.

3. We cannot really prove when human life begins. I realize this is a talking point for those that are pro-choice, but I think in all fairness and objectivity we must admit it. Does it begin when the child can survive on its own? Does it begin as soon as conception occurs? There is no straight biblical answer. It would be nice if God laid it out, step by step to let us know, but he didn't. So we can talk about it, and hope we know, but can't know for certain.

4. Another argument I hear is that this takes onto us the role of God. And in some ways it does. But do we allow contraception? If so, isn't that pretty similar? If not, do you count the days? That seems to take on the role of God too. God has given us brains to reason and to think, and to improve life. Sometimes we can do that by having less children in the world.

These are not all my thoughts on this issue, but I suspect anyone who reads my blog (maybe 3 people) will have tiredhead by now. I just want to wrap this up by saying that I am pro-life. But I think that being pro-life is not nearly so simple as voting against abortion. There is a lot more to it. The issue of abortion is anything but simple, and to simplify it does a great disservice to the wonderful brains God has gifted us with. We should think and pray about this. We should hope that no one chooses and abortion, because I do think that they will answer for that, but I will have to answer for how I treat those women who have abortions. I will have to answer for the things I do too. We cannot be so glib about things that matter so much. We must acknowledge that this issue is anything but easy and simple.


Misty said...

Hey Chris. I'm guessing that in your bravery to take on such a subject, that you would welcome some friendly discussion. :)

I am also pro-life. Very much so. And I will also be voting for the other guy. I agree with you that people are going to try to abort babies no matter what you do. Complete prohibition will not stop the loss of lives. And yes, it may even cause more. Mothers risking their own lives, babies in dumpsters. There should be a safe place for women to go in this time of desperation. However, it is a double edged sword. The wide spread availability of abortion, and birth control in general does mislead many and reduce the responsibilities and consequences that are intended to go along with sexual relationships.

As for the child who is better off... I don't know. Sure that child might grow up fighting off crack addicts and the advances of its mother's pimp. But what if that same child grew up to be a minister, or a counselor? What if they are the one who is meant by God to save a number of other lives? That is not for us to know. Taking that stance is a bit glib as well, if you ask me.

When does human life begin? Sure there is still debate over how to define it. But you cannot deny that even at conception, that fertilized egg that has become implanted already has its own DNA code. That egg will become a child. And God already knows who that child is, and every hair on his head. The scientists might not live by that reasoning but we as Christians do. Honestly the issue is not when human life begins, but the issue of how we value the human life. In our inadequacies we tend to try to simplify things just so we can cope with it all. But every life is valuable to God. And every life is worth redemption. If He would sacrifice his only son for that unborn child, I don't think He could stand by and allow for someone else to decide that no, they cannot be saved and are better off.

Ultimately I do think it is us trying to play God, and that is my ultimate arguement against abortion. To me, there is no disputing that, and at the end of much seeking on the subject, it is the ultimate conclusion I come to. This has also led me to reevaluate my views on other contraception. So yes, I believe the issue is the same but I dare not dive further into that issue here. :)

Ultimately I agree with the general purpose of this post. Or at least, what I felt you were trying to communicate. Abortion is not an easy issue. I do think that is makes politics easier on some people though. "Let's see, should I vote for the guy that kills babies or not?" Easy answer, check that off the list. That is a dangerously irresponsible and ignorant way to vote. Sure God doesn't like abortion but it is on a long list of things that displease Him. Things that He warns us against for our own protection, and to give us a better life. Not to mention, that God gives us a choice. He is pro-choice, using the true meaning of the word. He is not a dictator God that tries to control our every move and I don't think it pleases Him when we try to do that in our own rulings down here.

And religion aside, it is also ignorant and irresponsible to cast your vote based on one issue. You must really take all of the issues into account. Talk about the lesser of two evils! Choosing a president is doing that. We can't get caught up in the hype that having the perfect president will save us all. We have to get in and get our hands dirty and make the changes at the source. Politics are important and we have to play a role. We can't just sit by and write it off. But we can get involved in a more localized way instead of buying into the idea that we voted for the president and we are therefore done with our civic duties.

We cannot play God in any aspect, including jumping to the conclusion that ruling over people with the right kind of politics will lead them towards rightness with God. It is silly when you think about it, and is one of the many ways we Christians give a terribly poor reflection of who Christ really is.

Some practical ways to get involved? Why not donate some time and money to the local pregnancy center who is actually working to educate and give hope to women. Did you know that there are a growing number (fast growing- Christians and non-Christians alike) of women showing up to get abortions who are already mothers? They are there simply because they think that there is no way they can afford another child. All that to say that often times when faced with the reality of what they are really doing, the decision to have an abortion is suddenly not so easy. Many women walk into those clinics feeling as if they have no alternative. With a little bit of hope, or promises of support, they quickly grab onto the opportunity to keep the child. All that to say that I think we would all be better off if we spent a little time in those clinics and actually got a feel for what those women experience. Change needs to start at the source. The trickle down effect of poor politics won't get you far. On the same note, why not step up and teach our congregations the importance of adoption? It is a wonderful alternative. A beautiful picture of redemption. And it is what God is all about- redeeming lives. It should be what we are all about.

Sorry for the long winded response-it hit a bit of a nerve if you can't tell. But kudos to you for putting it out there. There is a lot to be learned that way I think.

RAB said...

chris man, its Bod. I was reading your blog on RA's login and since I am too lazy to get my own log in i just decided to write you back on hers. First of all, in true Chric fashion, i know some of what you said was just for debate sake, and what a good debate it can be....especially with christians. You said in one of your posts that somebody quoted the Bible saying "God says not to kill so i am going to vote for the one that doesnt want to kill." or something along those lines. Well with only that argument in mind, i guess you wouldn't want to vote for some one that has supported a war/wars that have killed many completely innocent men women and children. you could make an argument that they are justified but if we stick on that argument we could say that bombing abortion clinics is also justified. I just think that it is funny how we can judge others for certain types of killings while supporting other types.

there are certain things that we have the right to do, like sueing, slander, divorce and eating way too much sushi every time you go out to eat. all of these things are sins in their own right but at the same time i have the right to do them. (I feel like i am writing right alot.) Now at some point there is a line that we call the law. where should that law be? man, who knows. Is abortion over the line? probably so, in most cases, maybe, i guess. so having a .079999 BAC is ok but having a .08 and now your thrown in jail? i dont know man.

One thing that you said is that it can be better for the child if they are aborted so they dont grow up in poverty. Chris man, i am very disappointed bro. that is a very american comment. First of all if that were the case we may as well abort all african, burmese, and cambodian babies. I havn't seen the worst of things but in my travles over the past few years i have seen some poor, sick and disgusting folks. I have also seen some of the happiest eyes in the world. I would hate to think that some of those kids would have been better off dead just because they were born into poverty. Second, I dont think God really cares to much about the suffering of people here on earth so long as it draws us closer to him. Now you could point out the fact that Jesus healed many sufferings while he was on earth and continues to do so today. But he also chose not to heal many who were suffering and chooses not to intervene when so many are still suffering. I think that God does not care so much if we have a "good" life in America or a "bad" life in poverty somewhere else so long as we are brought closer to Him and glory is brought to Him. now i understand that statement is easy to say when i have never really had to worry about money, have 3 ipods, and spend well over $2000 a year in workout supplements. But none of this makes us happy. so many of these poverty stricken countries wouldnt even know what half the stuff that we have in our house does. once again it doesnt mean that they should be aborted.

you made a comment about people are going to do it anyway so why not make it legal and safe. Um....really. Why not make meth legal under doctor supervision then it could be legal and safe-ish. I'm not sure but i think Paul (you know he isn't my favorite author in the Bible, but as C.S Lewis says "Truth is truth wether spoken out of the mouth of balaam or Christ") talks about just because God says that there will be bad things that happen, it in no way means that we should partake. But i am not too up to speed on my Paul writings so dont quote me on it.

Soemone responded to you blog and was talking about the fact that the person who wasn't aborted could grow up to be a pastor, or some other great leader (perhaps Hitler who knows). Well for all we know they could grow up and be a pastor, and then we would all feel stupid for wanting to abort the baby....until the bastard grew up to be Joel Osteen and then the joke would be on us. Either way it kinda like wishing you would have bought Enron stock when it was low but if you did you would be even more broke once it went belly up. I guess the point is that nobody knows. Potential poverty or potential greatness is no reason to or not to abort a baby.

In my opinion, the best thing you said is that the worst thing we can do is to walk around like we have it all figures out. Even if i did have it all figured out in my head it still wouldnt matter because i would not be able to live it. I think a Matt Chandler phrase that defines me very well is "Quick to affirm truth but slow to apply it to our lives." I think the best thing the other person who commented said was that the best thing we could do is to actually do something about whatever it is that we belive in. Kinda like in "God in the Ally."

Well man, I'm not much of a writer and my thoughts dont come out well on paper. I am also too lazy to take the time and lack the knowledge for proper punctuation and spelling. But this is just Bod ramblin. As always its always good to go back and forth with my ol' bud Chris. Stay safe man.