

One of the things that I have really felt like I have been missing the mark on is the way I eat. I eat like a slob most of the time. I have candy very regularly, I have Dr. Pepper way too much, I eat fried food and fast food probably ten times a week. It just isn't good.

So my sweet wife took me to Sunflower Market. We bought a bunch of healthy veggies and stuff to make good salads. I start tomorrow, and I plan to eat a salad for lunch four days a week.

The main reason for this is vanity. I have more of a belly than I would like, and I would like to drop to around 190. I have been working out like a fiend, but I have lost absolutely zero pounds. So, I am looking to work out harder, and eat better.

But the deeper thing is that I know God has called me to be a good steward of the things he has given me. In reality, I have not been a great steward of my body. I need to take better care of those things I have been given, and my body is the most important thing I have ever been given.

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